Today’s talk will be about the super magical algae plant called spirulina and it’s skin benefits. If you are not yet a devoted consumer of this algae plant, you definitely should change your mind. Today, I’ll explain you why.
What makes spirulina a super plant?
I want to start with a little piece of scientific information, which, needless to say, really amazed me. Approximately 3.5 billion years ago, blue-green algae began to bind nitrogen from the atmosphere and convert it into carbon dioxide and sugar. In the process, free oxygen was provided. Over time, blue-green algae created an atmosphere rich in oxygen, which created a great opportunity to develop the rest of life. And as I mentioned, the whole process took more than a billion years.
Can you imagine that? I think this fact alone makes algae a super plant! Yet, there are other aspects that make spirulina special and beneficial too.
Amazing benefits of spirulina for skin
Spirulina has so many unique and remarkable properties. It is difficult to list them all. So as this site is designed to be your essential guide to natural skin care; I’ll try to specifically focus on those aspects that are making spirulins the most beneficial for skin.
One of the biggest benefits of spirulina for skin is that is the richest whole food source of anti-oxidants, as it contains almost all known anti-oxidants: Vitamin C, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B5 and B6, the minerals zinc, manganese, copper, amino acid methionine, beta-carotene and vitamin E.
Another special ingredient of Spirulina is a gamma-linoleic acid, which can be found in only a few seeds and fruits. The other most widely known sources are evening primrose (oenothera) oil and breast milk. Gamma-linoleic acid is important to protect the integrity of skin cells and muscles, as it is an important ingredient in the formation of new cell membranes.
Spirulina contains more than 18 amino acids. Since all of your connective tissues, muscles and skin are constructed primarily of amino acids, rich sources of well-balanced amino acids are very beneficial.
Spirulina for skin: personal experience
I’ve been taking my spirulina tablets about 2 weeks, and I have already started to adore this amazing plant. I don’t know what your experience will be like, but for me this is magic. After a week of taking spirulina, my skin has totally cleared up from acne. If you are my regular reader, you know that this has been a huge problem for me.
Before I started to take spirulina, I had been getting acne even from eating healthy food. I have had little pimples on my cheeks and chin for a long time. I actually thought they had settled on my skin forever. But they are all gone now! I haven’t had such clear skin for ages. I think it’s the effect of the toxins that have been released from my body with the help of the spirulina algae. And I’m sure that it was the spirulina that achieved this goal, because I haven’t changed anything else in my skin care routine or diet (except adding the spirulina, of course).
Actually lots of people have a problem taking spirulina because they can’t stand the smell and taste of it. Yes, I should admit it tastes and smells very unusual. However I love it. I even take it without water. I just nibble it. Anyway if are one of those people who find spirulina’s smell and taste disgusting, there is some great advice describing you How To Make Spirulina Taste Good.
Beauty recipes with spirulina
Facial masks based on spirulina extract prevent premature aging of the skin, improve its condition, contribute to preventing wrinkles, and help in the fight against acne.
The simplest method to use spirulina for skin as a beauty treatment is to use a mask. Just mix some spirulina with water to make a paste and apply to your face for 20 minutes. You will experience amazingly smooth and soft skin.
When you will whip up a mixture that includes spirulina, it will have very rich green color. You can see this in the picture. I actually was doubting for a minute or so whether I should actually apply it on my face. I had a strong feeling that it would not wash away from my face completely, leaving me looking something like a princess Fiona. But everything turned out to be amazing. The mask washed away very easily, leaving my skin extremely soft.
You can also mix spirulina with other ingredients. Here are some ideas:
Spirulina mask recipes for aging skin
Recipe 1: This mask is recommended for those who have dry skin, as it perfectly softens and tones skin. It also has a mild cleansing effect and certainly prevents wrinkles and aging.
- 1 tablespoon sour cream
- 1 teaspoon oatmeal
- 1 tablespoon spirulina powder
To make this remedy, you will need to mix together all the ingredients mentioned above and grind them until you have a smooth paste. Apply this to your face for 20 minutes.
Recipe 2: This mask is suitable for every skin type and is recommended in order to prevent wrinkles and aging skin. Use it at least twice a week for amazing results.
- 1 tablespoon grated vegetable marrow
- 1 tablespoon grated chinese cabbage
- 1 teaspoon sour cream
- 1 tablespoon spirulina powder
All components should be thoroughly mixed to make a paste. Apply the medley on your face and neck for 20 minutes.
So are you ready to experience all the benefits of spirulina for your skin?
Where to buy spirulina?
You can buy spirulina from MountainRoseHerbs shop in powder form here , or in capsules here.